Exclusive knowledge gained from involvement will help you reach your goals
I will need some information from you to determine the mathematical formula I use to get your engine to run the way you need.
Type of racing, vehicle weight, what RPM you need the most power at, do you need your engine to make tons of torque, etc.
I will use this information to calculate the process I will complete to render the proper port size and finish.
After determining the above I will submit my quotation to you for final approval.
Want to save money on fuel?
Make your engine last longer, run better and lower your maintenance costs.
In the simplest terms, and engine is an air pump.
As the engine pulls air from the atmosphere to go through the intake, the combustion cycle and out the exhaust, port size, shape and finish make a substantial influence on how your engine runs.
Porting and Polishing proves to pay for itself and then continues to save you money.